Febreze Fabric Refresher Pet Odor Eliminator 23.6 Oz Spray BTL
Eliminates odors and freshens fabrics, carpets and air. The fine mist spray of Febreze with Clenzaire eliminates odors that can linger in both your fabrics and air, leaving nothing but freshness all around. It's a breath of fresh air. Sofas; curtains; carpets; cars; pet area; clothing; gym bags; bedding; fabric/canvas shoes; air. Note: Safe on virtually all fabrics. On fabrics which may waterspot (such as silk), test a small area of fabric that cannot be seen. Not recommended for leather.
Spray fabric until slightly damp to eliminate odors from fabrics. Spray the air above fabrics and carpets in a sweeping motion throughout the entire room. For a noticeably fresh home, spray over fabric items all around your home.
Contains Water, Alcohol, Odor Eliminator Derived from Corn, Fragrance.
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